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L’Etude et la préservation du patrimoine de l’humanité

Il y plus de cinquante ans que la Convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial était ratifiée et adoptée par l’UNESCO ; l’Algérie est l’un des premiers pays à ratifier cette convention Depuis la vision du patrimoine s’est élargie et certaines franges du patrimoine ignorées dans le passé ont été reconsidérées jusqu’à redéfinir le patrimoine mondial suivant les contextes culturels et sociaux actuels L’Algérie possède plusieurs sites classés patrimoine de l’humanité sur lesquels plusieurs opérations ont été menées. C’est une occasion de débattre et de réfléchir aux enjeux auxquels sont confrontés les sites archéologiques et monuments et de dresser le bilan de ce qui a été entrepris pendant un demi-siècle Le séminaire sera focalisé sur Les nouvelles recherches concernant ces sites classés patrimoine de l’humanité* Les mesures de protection qui ont été prises à leur égard* SEMINAIRE PATRIMOINE 14 -15 OCTOBRE  

7th International Symposium on Chemistry CIC-7 2024

University of Batna 1 Hadj Lakhdar Faculty of Matter Sciences Department of Chemistry Laboratory of Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry (LCCE) Organize 7th INTERNATIONAL  SYMPOSIUM ON CHEMISTRY (CIC-7 2024)   Pdf link  CIC-7-F 2024 (4)   Registration and submission of abstract via  : You can download the template of CIC7-2024 : Template CIC7

Police narrative in the Algerian novel

The Laboratory of Oral Imagination and Civilizations of Orality, Writing and Image organizes in cooperation with the Department of Arabic Language and Literature and the Research Group: Narratives of Exile: Spaces of Hybridity and Identity Politics the National Forum: The Police Narrative in the Algerian Novel تحميل مطوية ملتقى الرواية البوليسية  

1st National Phase Equilibria Conference “NPEC’2024”

University of Batna1 Faculty of Matter Science the Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Studies of Materials (LEPCM) organize: 1st National Phase Equilibria Conference “NPEC’2024” The main objective of this seminar is to bring together specialists in the fields of materials and phase equilibrium to share their knowledge and exchange their research-based experiences and skills. This scientific event will also allow participants to keep up with developments in the field by presenting their recent research and engaging in scientific discussions, expressing diverse viewpoints that could contribute to the development of new experimental techniques, modeling, or simulations in the service of materials scienc.

مسؤولية منظمة الصحة العالمية عن الأوضاع في غزة

جامعــــة باتنـــة-1 كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية مخبر الحوكمة والقانون الاقتصادي ومشروع البحث التكويني الجامعي PRFU المسؤولية الدولية الجنائية لمنظمة الصحة العالمية في ظل انتشار الأوبئة ينظمان ملتقى وطني حول:   مسؤولية منظمة الصحة العالمية عن الأوضاع في غزة مطوية ملتقى الصحة العالمية    


University of Batna 1 Faculty of Matter Sciences , Department of Physics Laboratory of Applied Energy Physics (LPEA) Organize INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON ENERGY AND RENEWABLE ENERGIES SIEER 2025 April 22 and 23, 2025 Batna, Algeria The main objective of this conference is to create a space for meeting and discussion for academics and researchers working on various topics related to energy and renewable energies. The event aims to promote collaboration and the exchange of ideas around new scientific advancements and technological innovations in these crucial fields. During this conference, participants will have the opportunity to present their research, discoveries, and ongoing work. They will also be able to discuss current and future challenges in the energy sector, particularly regarding the transition to more sustainable, clean, and environmentally friendly energy sources. The exchange of information and experiences between researchers from different disciplines will contribute to enriching the collective understanding of energy-related issues and stimulating innovation in this sector.